Friday, May 15, 2009

Today's schedule

6:45 am - wake up. Have sherpa do my morning yoga routine.
7:45 am - light breakfast consisting of 2 lemon wedges and half of a splenda cube
8 am - Call Chad. Finalize coordinated outfits
9-10 am - go through a few look books and purchase outfits for the following week
11 am - smoke a cigarette, think about my hair
12 pm - have sherpa confirm limo service
12:25 pm: confirm with security that Shattuck Avenue is clear of all hippies, street vermin, low income, middle class and upper middle class people.
1:30 pm: Chadwick arrives
1:40 pm: Have sherpa clear Micro Brewery so we can enjoy our pitcher(s) of beer in peace
2:40 pm: Lunch at Gregoire, where we will order everything on the menu, smell and look at it for 30 minutes before throwing everything back in the cooks face

You forgot our unappreciative sigh at 2:05.

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